We followed and respected the hard work of Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta. Getting to know each other more closely, it was obvious that there is a lot in common how we approach work, faith and goals. We both think that health of body and mind are connected, and a holistic approach has to be followed – people are well if both body and mind are well-balanced.  The combination of physical and mental resilience can protect us from illnesses and complications which is extremely important for all in the current pandemic situation.

We have worked together to create the https://www.lelektesteletmod.hu page („Soul-Body-Lifestyle”). The ALSAD (Automated LifeStyle ADvice) application supports the well-being of body health as well as mental health.  In addition, a substantial part is donated to support the work of the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta from the application’s modest annual subscription fee.

ALSAD Medical Kft. and the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta have concluded an official cooperation agreement today, stressing the importance to support the health of body and soul together.