Detection of very early signs of dementia will be researched
The new application to be developed by Netis Zrt. and SimnNest Aviation kft., named PreDEM, is going to screen the earliest, otherwise unnoticeable signs of dementia by using early screening methods, risk management tools assisted AI technology, smart games measuring cognitive abilities as well as eye-tracking diagnostic tools. Being a complex and innovative system, it…
The consortium of NETIS Informatics Ltd. and INSIRON Informatics Ltd. received 231 544 493 HUF non-refundable support for innovative development. The project „ALSAD (Automated LifeStyle ADvice) Healthcare Solution” is supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund’s „Support of business RDI activities (VÁLLALATI KFI_16)” program. Within the total net budget of 328 148 236…
ICT4Life, ICT services for Life Improvement For the Elderly
Name and ID of project: ICT4Life, ICT services for Life Improvement For the Elderly (grant agreement number: 690090) Duration: 36 months Framework Programe and Call: Horizon 2020, PHC-25-2015 Advanced ICT systems and services for Integrated Care, RIA, H2020-PHC-2015-single-stage (Societal Challenges) Participants: Artica Telemedicina (Spain), Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain), Madrid Parkinson Association (Spain), Netis Informatics…