Yesterday, we visited Semmelweis University’s Faculty of Health Sciences once again! Together with our dietitian expert, Erika Simonová, we delivered two presentations to third-year dietetics students. We were delighted by the enthusiasm and curiosity of the students. It was a truly successful and interactive encounter!
One of the top priorities for the ALSAD Medical team is to introduce the future professionals to the possibilities of digital healthcare and how these technological solutions can be applied in their work, particularly in patient education and prevention. We are proud that in addition to the ALSAD application, healthcare professionals can access the ALSAD professional platform, where they can monitor their patients’ conditions, plan diets, analyze their nutritional journals, and view recorded measurements, all independently of location and time. We believe that ALSAD allows more time for genuine education during counseling sessions.
Our healthcare specialist – Erika Simonová
Our IT specialist – László Varga